Candy Corn Drool Pad Giveaway

Link right here….a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you to everyone who participated! The winner of the flash giveaway was Kaitlin L. Congrats!

Giveaway for some Candy Corn print drool pads! They have a black fleece lining and orange snaps! Perfect for Trick or Treating with the new baby, or just to jazz up your baby carrier!




Happy Halloween and good luck!

Making Gak.. round 1!

Here is the tutorial I used to make the gak/glitter…


I didn’t have nearly the right texture with the dollar store glitter glue but I added a container of Elmer’s white glue and some extra borax water and finally got the gak texture I was hoping for. Next time I will try Elmer’s glitter glue to see if it makes a difference!

1 Elmer’s glitter glue (11fl oz I think)
1 tsp borax
1 cup water
1 tbsp water

Mix 1 tbsp water with glue
In a seperate bowl mix borax and water. Combine.

Now my findings/what I did….

Dollar Tree Glitter Glue (9 small containers)
1 Elmer’ s white glue
1 tbsp water
1 cup water
2 tsps borax

I followed the same directions but I would suggest adding the borax/water to glue slowly and make sure it mixes well before dumping it all in….if it is too thin, try adding more borax to the water.





Thr color turned out ugly. I am a bad planner. I didn’t even think about checking the fluid ounces on the elmers glitter glue to make sure I bought enough cheap glitter glue….so I bought 3 packs of glue (one red, silver and gold in each package) and ended up having to use all of them. I suppose I could have added food coloring but I finished just as it was time to wake everyone up…next time! I am aiming for a frozen ice glitter slime for my daughter’s 3rd birthday party! Which reminds me, my husband found the most perfect snowflakes at the Dollar Tree, they look so similar to the snowflakes in Frozen!

I am going to glue some together and try and recreate some mini chandeliers for her party! Stay tuned for more party planning DIY. I am also making Sven antlers and Elsa crowns out of felt… hot chocolate mixes in mason jars…and more if I have time!

Have you thrown a Frozen party? What are your must haves?

What in the heck are drool pads??

Sounds goofy right? It is even worse when they are referred to as ‘suck pads’ yeah….


So drool pads are little fabric covers that snap over the straps on your baby carrier closest to baby.


This protects the straps from being chewed on, which in turn helps protect the carriers structural integrity and resale value by limiting the number of washes. (Manufacturers recommend not washing frequently.)

Drool pads let you customize your carrier. Stuck with the plain black and beige Ergo? Throw on some neon drool pads or some Star Wars drool pads to show your individual style!

They are great for that trendy new mom you don’t know what to get.

They are reversible.

I have Organic options!

Custom orders are welcomed!!!

Convinced yet? Here is more cuteness to help you….


…some past designs…









If you are interested in purchasing a set head to the HomeFakingIt Etsy shop!

Thanks for stopping by!



Giveaway – Pair of Large/Toddler Wool Longies!!

Eco and Sprout

Now to be PERFECTLY clear, I am just beginning my journey in sewing longies and shorties.  I am LOVING it too.  I am becoming obsessed with hunting down wool sweaters to upcycle into longies.  This is one of my favorite pairs.  It’s not perfect.  I am not a sewing wizard but I want to share the fun!!

These are a Large/Toddler size made from 100% Lambswool.  My little guy is wearing them in the photo.  He is 3′ tall and weighs 30 lbs.  I think this is an ideal solution while potty training.  I love, love, love wool!

Good luck everyone!!

Toddler Wool Longies K I S S

Click Here to be taken to the Giveaway

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Seahawks Coffee Sleeve Giveaway


In honor of the Hawk’s big win last night, SUPERBOWL BOUND BABY, I am giving away a reuseable Seahawks Coffee Sleeve. Handmade by me. I was so excited to have predicted the final score Friday night, but the only person I told was my husband!!! Oh well. I know I called it! Go Seahawks! Anyways…follow the link below and enter to win!


a Rafflecopter giveaway
“>a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!!!


Holiday Blues…

Sorry for the silence. The holidays have been rough. Too much family drama and too many people that want us (family of 5 with 3 small kids) to come see THEM. ugh.

Money has been another issue. So many holidays and birthdays. We just can’t seem to catch a break. Then yesterday we got word my husband may be losing his job in the coming months.

So my stress level instantly went through the roof.

Yesterday was a day from hell. A day I wish I could erase from history. A day that I am so ashamed of. A day I will never forgive myself for.

I told my 3yr old I hated him. Like 10 times in a row.

I am the worst mother and biggest asshole.

My husband won’t even lock eyes with me and for the first time in years I truly feel alone.

I have always felt alone in my battle with ppd. If I talk about it with my husband, he looks at me with disgust.

I hate myself enough for all of us.

I threw in the towel for now with sewing. That hurts too. The one thing that has helped me heal. I have asked my husband repeatedly for “me” time so I can sew and be a better me, but I never am allowed the time. Something always comes up. Trying to do it during the day with the 3 kids around makes me crazy and worse off. So I am abandoning the notion for now.

Its the moments when I can sit and sew and listen to my music that I feel the most at ease. I rememeber telling my husband last week how happy I was to sew.

I just wish I had time, I wish I had me time. I wish I knew what “me” was these days.

All I am now is ‘mom’ or ‘housekeeper’.

I think in order to fully heal I will need to find ‘me’ again and to stop using such hurtful words.

The problem is that I was so angry I didn’t even know what I was saying until the damage was done.

The problem is that I hate me so much that I can’t be happy with anything. I ty so hard to be happy.

Most days I pull it off. I can fake a smile, pretend I care.

But really…really…I am tired. Tired of trying to fight myself. Tired of being me.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip (or pecan) Muffins


Today the hubs had to work like any other Thursday so we stuck to our normal routine. Up at 6am!

I started a batch of muffins. These are one of my favorites. It works really well with pecans or chocolate chips. Today I had chocolate chips so that is what I used. I don’t have an original source, I found a basic version years ago and tweaked it.


2/3 cup almond milk at room temp (trust me)
3 tbsp pumpkin puree
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
*chocolate chips/nuts

Combine the milk and pumpkin whisking well. Add coconut oil (this is where you should thank me for the room temp milk!)

Whisk in the sugars and vanilla. Slowly mix in the flour/baking powder/salt.

Fold in chips/nuts and bake at 350 for 7-10 for minis and 12-18 for regulars.

I double this and get roughly 24 regular muffins and about 9 minis!



Marie ♥

….the Holiday’s are upon us…

Because I know the kids will get tons of crap for Christmas I am downsizing what they currently have.

I am using this handy app called Offer Up. [I am in no way associated with them and all opinions are my own. ]

I love it! I downloaded the app. Snapped a photo, typed in a few words and bam…for sale to people near me. You can even share it with your Facebook followers. Genius.

Basically it shows items for sale in a radius around you. Be smart though. Do not sell to people that give you the creeps or if you do, bring your heat packin husband! 😉

I have had all good experiences to date. The sale was easy. We met in a public place local to me. She paid the cash we agreed on. All in all, a good way to make a few extra bucks and to get some of that kid shit out of your house.

You can even sell home goods, collectibles etc. It is like a Craigslist that requires a photo. Which is awesome!

Have you heard of this app or tried it? What was your experience?

So that is why I have been quiet lately. Cleanin house and baking!

I am going to start doing a nightly blog post about my day and my battle with ppd. Kind of like a nightly journal entry 😉

Anyways if you you need to declutter and have your smart phone handy you should try this app! It is free and works great!
